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Cheshire and Merseyside Baby Week 16 - 22 November 2020

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What is Baby Week?

Cheshire and Merseyside Baby Week is taking place from the 16 - 22 of November 2020.

A collaborative platform to: Share, Engage, Entertain and Inform.

A joint enterprise with Bradford & Leeds Baby Week 9 -15 November 2020. It is a trans-Pennine collaboration – FREE to join wherever you live or work!

Baby Week brings together cross-sector organisations, families and caregivers to promote the importance of giving babies the best possible start in life.

It’s a great opportunity for organisations working with babies and their families and caregivers to come together and learn from each other (includes preconception, pregnancy and beyond); and try out activity that feeds curiosity. It’s a chance to be the first to learn about the latest research, policy and practice development in early childhood development.

It is a collaborative platform for you to showcase your work and the services you provide and extend your reach.

What’s happening during Baby Week?

Cheshire and Merseyside Baby Week 2020 is a platform for showcasing work, promoting helpful services, and sharing the latest research, policy and practice development in early childhood development.

A series of events will be taking place throughout Baby Week centred around topics such as preconception, pregnancy and childcare. You can find out more about the events happening in this information from The North West Population Health and Prevention Network (NWPHPN) as well as in our Programme Overview. 

How can I get involved?

We have a lot of exciting events planned throughout Baby Week, you can find more information on them here.

Make sure to use the hashtag #BabyWeekCM2020 to join in the discussions on social media.

If you’re interested in helping us to develop a programme that addresses the various issues impacting the wellbeing of women and children in Cheshire and Merseyside, get in touch with us by emailing or calling 07708 428096. With your help, we can improve the health and happiness of hundreds of families. 

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